Dormant Company


Dormant company accounts filed with Companies House and “Nil” accounts filed to HMRC.

This service is only available for directors who are resident in the U.K.

Each year, accounts must be filed at Companies House irrespective of whether your company has traded. Failure to do so will result in automatic penalties being imposed of £150 per month or part month that they are overdue.

Unless you have registered as a dormant company through your SIC code, you are also required to submit a corporation tax return to HMRC or they too will impose automatic penalties.

If your company has not traded, we are able to submit both sets of accounts to these authorities, known as “dormant Accounts” and a “Nil” Corporation tax returns.

This ensures that your company remains compliant at all times.

Filing of dormant accounts with us includes renewal of registered office address for your company, directors service address and forwarding of official correspondence for 1 year. (Value £9.99)


I declare that my company has not traded during the period concerned, and is entitled to file non-trading (Dormant) company accounts with companies house and HMRC.
In case we need to contact you to clarify and for confirmation of completion